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Custom Orthotics

Foot biomechanics play a vital role in how the body moves and functions. A custom foot orthotic is a biomechanical insole achieving alignment of the foot and ankle into an anatomically efficient position. 

Your orthotic evaluation will involve a thorough history and complete biomechanical assessment including a clinical gait analysis. A 3-dimensional mold of your foot will be made and your custom-made prescription orthotic will be unique to your condition, activity level, and to the footwear in which you will use them.

Not all people need orthotics and we want to make sure that they will be successful for you. To do this, we offer a complimentary computerized 3D gait analysis, video analysis and biomechanical foot assessment. This is provided to determine if you may benefit from custom foot orthotics. We utilize a 3 phase approach to determining whether orthotics are appropriate for you or your condition. Not all phases are always required, but they are all available upon your request. We use this approach because it is comprehensive. If one phase misses something, another will pick it up. At each stage we are looking for foot faults that may be impacting your feet and lower body.
Medical devices that encourage the foot to attain proper alignment during the weight bearing phase of the walking cycle are known as functional orthotics. Accomodative orthotics are meant to relieve stresses on feet that are relatively firm and inflexible.
Have you tried orthotics in the past for one of the above conditions only to continue to suffer? In many circumstances, orthotics are only one part of the healing process. In addition to assessment, footwear advice, and education, a physical therapy treatment may be tailored to address the specific pain or ailment that your feet are suffering from. Some providers just dispense orthotics while neglecting to treat the disorder. Along with the previously mentioned injuries and conditions, overpronation and other foot and ankle pain can be addressed through balance retraining, muscle strengthening/re-education, stretching, mobilization and even modification of existing footwear. At Leading Edge, our physiotherapists are trained to provide a comprehensive treatment plan to help you to maintain an active lifestyle.
If you have a biomechanical dysfunction in your foot, the following foot and lower extremity problems may be alleviated by custom orthotic devices: – Plantar Fasciitis – Metatarsalgia – Morton’s Neuroma – Achilles Tendinitis/osis – Peroneal Tendinosis – Pes Planus (Flat Feet) – Hallux Valgus/Bunions – Hallux Limitus (Stiff big toe) – Shin Splints – Patellofemoral syndrome (knee cap tracking issues) – Tired Feet – Corns and Calluses – Many hip and lower back problems can be caused by impoper foot mechanics.